Friday, June 30, 2006

Vacation Reading

Yesterday I finally sat down with the Associate director of Public Affairs at Planned Parenthood. I am really excited to work for her. I'll be starting when I get back from my vacation next week. I think it will be a great learning experience. I expressed to her my desire to really learn how a non-profit runs, particularly one that involves public policy. I also told her that I fully understand that an intern is going to responsible for a lot of grunt work and I'm willing to do that with no complaints as long as I can really get a glimpse into this world of non-profit. I hope its everything I want! If it's not...god only knows what I'm going to do with my life?!

On another note, my week ends with a bit of a wimper. I have decided that I must sacrifice some fun in the sun for the sake of my b-school ambitions. But this sacrifice will begin after next week where I will spend the entire week on a houseboat in Lake Shasta. Wakeboarding, water skiing and probably lots of eating and drinking. But before you get too excited for me, the vacation is with my entire family...aunts, uncles, cousins, mother...let us hope everyone survives. 5 days on a boat with no escape but the vast waters of Lake Shasta. I fear for the life of a family member! :-o

I have compiled a list of reading material for my 5 days on the boat. Exciting stuff...brochures from Stanford, MIT, NYU, Columbia, Wharton and I may throw in The New Yorker and/or Rolling Stone magazines for kicks. And of course the good old O.G. I am determined to get in 1 hour a day (how hard can that be?) of practice problems while on the boat. Wish me luck! Happy 4th of July to all the bloggers from the U.S. and happy weekend to all the rest :-)

1 comment:

Marina said...

I found out about the event through an email from Columbia. It went out to all the admitted students. Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley, and Credit Swiss are all having similar events in NYC but Lehman was the first one up and also the only one that flew me to New York first class (the rest of them reimburse $250 of your costs). You have to be entering your first year in one of the specific programs they pick to be eligible and from what I saw they picked women with finance or consulting backgrounds.

Have fun with the fam!