Monday, June 12, 2006

The Back Up Plan

I believe congratulations are in order! I've come up with a back up plan just in case Stanford or the others don't want me! My back up plan is to win the lotto. And just in case that doesn't work out I have even thought of a back up back up plan, I will marry a filthy rich man on the verge of death. I feel that my chances of accomplishing my back up plans may be much more likely than getting into Stanford or any other top 10 school.

After reading the billions of blogs and forums and student profiles...I have decided that I am not as impressive as I used to think I was. When comparing oneself to the general public it is quite easy to come out on top. However, start comparing onself to other top 10 b-school applicants and all the sudden it's not such a pretty picture! All of you mba bloggers are so damn accomplished and successful do you really need your MBA? Maybe you should reconsider and let the less successful folk, such as myself have a chance? Gee Thanks! That would be swell! Well I'm not that bad, after all I have run a marathon and I am a pretty good salsa think that can compare with those mba applicants that have their own million dollar corporations? Hmmm? I have my doubts.

Yesterday I went car shopping with my mother. She brought a binder full of research that she had done on all the cars she wanted to test drive. She was driving me insane and I told her that she has over researched her car buying process and thus taking all the fun out of it! Maybe that's what I'm doing with this MBA? Ugghhhh now back to sentence correction drills.


Suser said...

Well hello fellow ucla engineering alum / mediocre b-school applicant! Yeah, I feel the same way. Maybe the other applicants just talk big :) I'm probably aiming for top 30 and only 1 or 2 in the top 10.

Unknown said...

hew... I am not sure I got a back up plan. I am not sure if I want one or need one. If I have a back-up plan, would I try my best?

So many questions to ponder and not enough hrs in a day. : )

FSM said...

Hmm .. if you are asked in your B- school interview about your role models, are you going to be honest and answer Anna Nicole Smith? :-))

Rico's Mom said...

Mr. FSM- Anna is an amateur! I'll be aiming the time I put the back up plan into action Bill Gates ought to be old enough. Nothing but the best for me! I refuse to settle ;-)

Marina said...

It's not about the numbers and the figures and the letters on your resume, it is about your potential. All you have to do is strut your stuff :)

Marina said...

btw. if you are in the bay area right now, we are having a happy hour on Thursday night in SF with a few admissions consultants and maybe adcom people...see one of my posts