Wednesday, June 14, 2006

The Internship and Salsa Dancing

As of right now I am still an engineer but only part time. It's quite a cushy set up I have. I only work about 20 hours a week, I come and go as I please and I get very well compensated. You may be asking yourself "umm why is she only working par time?" Ok so maybe you aren't asking yourself that but I have asked myself that many times...trying to justify my laziness I suppose. I came up with the following excuse: I wanted to have more free time to do my applications and I wanted to find work part time in the non-profit world since that's what I want to go into after getting my MBA. So I did it finally! I got an internship at Planned Parenthood! I am so excited! I'll be working there 20 hours a week in their public affairs and clinic advocacy departments. I'll be working full time now more or less.

I'm hoping this internship will give me the chance to develop my leadership skills and show my desire to adcom that I am comitted to this career change to non-profit! Plus now I'll have more fodder for my essays and a greater pool of people to ask for Letters of Rec! Woohoo!

Totally unrelated to my MBA...Salsa dancing is good for the soul. I swear it. Every time I go dancing I leave totally refreshed and happy. Not to mention my ego is very well stroked over the course of the evening :-) I am so easy when dancing..."Eres tan linda, Que hermosa! nos casamos?, bailas tan bien! Increible!". Really they say this to every girl they dance with but I am putty in their hands everytime :-) (only if they are good dancers, of course! I am such a salsa snob, not sure when that happened?). Thank goodness I have my partner in crime to bring me back down to earth. She reminds me that we call them our "salsa boyfriends" for a reason! Not to be taken outside the salsa club! I've made that mistake before and sadly I've lost one of my favorite dancing partners. He won't dance with me anymore :-( I had a salsa crush on him and I thought just maybe the crush would last outside of the salsa club but sadly I was mistaken. And his feelings were hurt...girls who want to find a sensitive man...find a salsero! I swear they were all girls in their past lives! Or if you just need a nice evening of ego boosting...go salsa dancing! And boys, if you want hot, barely clothed girls (not saying I am one of these, but clubs are full of them) hanging all over you...learn to dance! Just my 2 cents worth for today.


FSM said...

congrats on your internship! It's a great idea, not only because it will beef up your resume, but also because you will get an insight into the non profit sector. If you find that it's not what you imagined it to be, then you can prepare for a traditional management career. On the other hand, if you love it, you will be more focussed and motivated during your studies. It's a win-win situation!

Inblue said...

that good break throuhgh !
It will go long in your apps + it will allow you more time to soul-search while you write your essays.

MBABlogger said...

Hey congrats for the internship !! And may be I shuld consider taking dance lessons ;-) Not to fish barely clothed girls though:)

StressTensor said...

Agree with the Salsa part! It is true from Miami to New York to LA !!! And the girls are great all the time! I met my girl at a dance and we have now been dating now for 2.5 years! It is incredible fun when your partner (we live together) likes to dance as much as you do. It makes living together a lot of fun.