Monday, April 09, 2007

It's an Honor Just to be Nominated!

They Like Me! They Really Really Like me! (Just in case you didn't get it, that was a Sally Fields reference to the Academy Awards ;-)

I am still trying to figure out why I have the good fortune to be a clearadmit BoB nominee. Nonetheless, I appreciate the nod!

I have come down from my over the top stressed out week and am now being quite zen about the whole pain in the booty tenant and the waitlist status. I am pretty confident that whatever happens I will make it work. In the meantime I have made my house devoid of all personality to help sell it quickly (removed all my personal pictures, etc) and I have spent some time doing some practice GMAT questions. As I said before, remaining calm is key. If I don't make this GMAT out to be life and death for my b-school dreams, I tend to remain calm and do much better on the practice questions. Hopefully my new zen attitude will help me to do as well as I know I can do on the GMAT.

I also need to nudge my other supervisor on that letter of rec again. I think she sort of forgot with big holiday weekend and all (she just had 350 people at her house for Easter! Can you imagine!??!!). And then my little one page essay will be done by the end of this coming weekend. I will submit the essay and the letter of rec by Monday and then I'll have my GMAT done by April 20th. I still think I will end up at G-Town, let's just hope G-Town agrees ;-)


HairTwirler said...

I think more of a prod rather than a nudge is sometimes in order. Thank goodness my supervisors gave me carte blanche to stalk them every week before a rec was due.

Anonymous said...

Hooray for fellow GMAT re-takers! :)

fromcali said...

congrats on the nomination. I also feel like the academy awards nominees.

asiangal said...

Best of luck with G-Town (and your essays and recos). Happy Easter! =)

Anonymous said...

do you remember the time when you wondered why CA never mentioned your blog. i think you have come a long way in the blogging front, and soon enough, with all the efforts you are making - you will surely be heading on another journey to GTown. Good luck

fromcali said...

Thanks for the vote and support! I am hoping for that ipod. :)