Saturday, August 12, 2006

Wharton Info Session, etc...

So the other day I attended an info session for Wharton held at the Wharton West campus in San Francisco. It was specifically targeted for Women and minorities. It was a pretty good turn out. The presentation by the staff was pretty standard. They had an alumni panel as well. I though the alumni were pretty down to earth people I would enjoy working with.

I'm not sure how I feel about Wharton. Based on the info session I have a pretty good feeling about it. But it has its drawbacks. First of which is the class size. I feel like having a class size of 800 at the top b-school would probably foster a pretty competitive environment. The other drawback is that they don't really have a good program in terms of what I want to do. But really, I think any b-school program will apply to whatever you want? I'm not so convinced any top school's program is better than the next? But I could be wrong...

Anyway, I'll consider Wharton. I want to go there to visit and see what I think about it in person. But if I apply it won't be until the second round. I've already decided on my first round schools, 1) Columbia, 2) Stanford, and 3)Yale. I am pretty sure the second round will be only 4) Georgetown and 5) Sloan or Wharton or UCLA. But I make no promises!

In other all those Californian's reading this Vote No on Prop 85! I just spent my entire afternoon signing up new volunteers and handing out literature about Prop 85, a repeat of last year's Prop 73, the parental notification proposition. The title alone irks me. The supporters of this prop could care less about parental notification...they just want to chip away slowly at a woman's right to choose and they know that coming right out and yelling anti-choice propaganda will get them shot down in California so this is there way at limiting access to woman's health care. Read up on it and make sure you vote and if you want to get involved send me an email and I can put you in touch with the right people! Now I'll get down from my soap box.


Anonymous said...

I am nuetral on the abortion issue because what a woman does with her own body is her own business. However, this business of giving teens the "freedom" to have an abortion on their own is bullsh*t.

Teens have to obtain permission for just about everything and this should be no different.

StressTensor said...

And what do you do when an abusive parent is the reason for the pregnancy in the first place?

Rico's Mom said...

Thank you stress tensor! My thoughts exactly. I have more thoughts on the issue but I have just returned from a beautiful 7 day trek in the back country of Yosemite and don't have the energy to get into it now!