Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Tomorrow is always a better day

Today is my tomorrow of yesterday and it is definitely looking better! I just wanted to thank everyone for the support regarding my miserable GMAT experience! I really do appreciate it!

Yesterday I enjoyed my own little pity party for a few hours then got back on track. I mapped out my goals over the next few months. Goal and priority number one is to get a job! That being said, when I walked into my unpaid internship this morning they offerred me a full time paid, albeit temporary, job on a campaign! I haven't decided yet if I'll be taking it but I'm leaning toward yes. There are a few cons and many pros to the job.

The cons:
1) It pays next to nothing (but I knew that money was not my goal when I decided to switch into the non-profit sector).
2) No health insurance or vacation time, it's contract work.
3) The hours will be insane thru September and October up until the election in November when I need to be focusing on essays.

The pros are numerous:
1) It'll be GREAT leadership experience for me! Something I can definitely use on my apps.
2) Satisfies goal #1 that I outlined for myself yesterday.
3) The experience will be invaluable.
4) I'll be doing something I can finally be excited and passionate about.
5) It may lead to a full time real position with health benefits and vacation time here in public affairs that just opened up that they won't be filling until after the election.

I think I'm going to do it. I really need to learn to sacrifice my fun time if I'm serious about this career change and b-school. I've never chosen the easy routes in my life, I can't start now! So my days will be consumed with the campaign and nights consumed with my application essays (after I get back from my 5 day backpacking trip in Yosemite..damn this sacrifice thing is going to be difficult!).

Thanks again, all those that commented! It's nice to know there are others out there that feel my pain! Good luck to all of you!!


Marina said...

Sounds like an amazing opportunity and you looks like you are very excited which together mean you should definitely do it :) I bet they could hook you up with that free insurance card at least for some dr visits...i used to have one in college

Forrest Gump said...

yeah, ditto Marina. sounds like a good opportunity. Good luck with it.

Hobbes said...

Great stuff and good luck! :)