Thursday, November 16, 2006

Finally! Progress!

My application is submitted and complete. I am now officially "Under Review" by Stanford! Woohoo! Although the relief was short lived. Now I am back to anxiety. I have had my fingers permanently crossed since I submitted the application. I may have to have them surgically uncrossed once all of this is over :-)


StressTensor said...

This is the most frustrating part, especially when schools send out emails saying your file is complete while you are expecting more ;)

I clasp my hands together every time I check my email and I spend more time checking my bulk/spam than anything else.

All the best!

Hobbes said...

"I may have to have them surgically uncrossed once all of this is over :-)"

Ha ha ha! Good luck!

rungee582 said...

Thanks for all the congratulations! :) While my wait for interviews is over, I definitely know that anxious feeling (and the finger crossing that goes with it).